Monday 13 August 2012

Inspiration 9: The last farm

Even though "The Last Farm" didn't influence this project from a technical point, it depicts a deeply emotional story with culturally recognizable themes and issues (loss, death, senior home care issue...) to which viewers from different cultural background can relate to it.

This Icelandic short film shows how strong emotions and personal experience affects our perception and therefore our behavior. An old man is presented working in his land and waiting for his children to come and take him to an elder home, acknowledging to another character in the film that his wife is feeling better and that she is currently sleeping. Only later towards the end do we realize that his wife passed away and he was keeping her death a secret and was in fact digging her grave reaching to the end where he lowers her tomb in the whole, joins her and buries himself alive while his children were about to reach his house.

The idea of loss and emotional pain is presented in different aspects in this film:

- The loss of his wife.

- The loss of his children who are coming to take him to elder home while it is clear in the movie that the old man is still in a very good physical shape. (he built the tomb, dug the grave and lowered it single handedly )

- The concept of being taken away to an elder home can be perceive by the old man as the loss of his remaining members of his family and his land.

This experience of loss has lead to the old man's suicide since he has lost everything and has no reason to live. Even though in this project the case isn't as severe, it is clear that the actions of the father occurred due to his emotions and the loss of his daughter.

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