Monday 30 July 2012

Inspiration 2 - Father and Daughter

In this short movie, the daughter’s faithfulness for her father is most striking. Even though years have passed, she did not let go. The tree next to the hill that leads to the sea is the element that draws the girl to remembering her father and hoping to find him there. The focus in this short movie is on loss and attachment and not nostalgia or memory that take the actors to previous moments they have lived.  It is striking how the characters lacked detail in their anatomy (most characters are presented as different silhouettes with variation of sizes) and any facial expression but still managed to touch the viewer's emotions with the use of semiotics: even though characters have no detail, viewers were able to identify the character as father and daughter due to their size, gestures, signs, which were enough for the audience to understand the meaning of the story and relate to the main characters. What is interesting is that this movie was used as an animation lesson where the students were asked to formulate different stories behind what happened (why the father left, what did he tell her when they met again...) which means that results are going to be different due to the various ways the students will perceive the film based on their past experiences. The inspiration coming from "Father and Daughter" can be seen in my major project, in its lack of detail concerning the story behind of the daughter and her father (how did he lose her?) allowing room for the viewers to formulate possible hypothesis concerning what happened. Here is the link to the lesson.

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