Sunday 29 July 2012

Documentation Strategy Seminar

Documentation will allow me to develop my ideas while tracking my thinking strategies and creative process. It will also allow me to come to a greater understanding of the way I go about things and the methodologies I use. The documentation process originally requires keeping an up to date working blog. This would involve posting weekly updates on how the work is progressing, with small texts on update progresses or sometimes playblasts or test renders of the work in progress.

The following phases have all been part of my documentation: Concept statement, character design and development, research, shot lists, storyboards, critique and feedback notes from tutors, evaluation of my learning and creative process.

I consider documentation as necessary aspect of my major study, because it allows us to keep and blog everything. This blog will keep acting as a documentation to my work and research in process.

Posts will be related to:

- The evaluation of my work and creative/production process.

- The evaluation of my learning processes.

My posts include/will include:

- My production WIP
- Inspirational artefacts and works and how they relate to my forefront
- Project management updates
- Commentary on topics that are related to the forefront of my field.
- A reflective evaluation of the methodology I adopted
- Continuous evaluation of what I learn

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