Tuesday 29 November 2011

Pixar's influences

Lasseter believed that it is conventional to examine other artists’ work to find inspiration in them. This belief was present in the Pixar culture, and seeped into the films they created. The team behind “Toy Story”, for example, was influenced by previous creations; American movies that dealt with friendship, such as “Raggedy Ann and Andy” (1977).
 We have the movie Ratatouille, were –in a pivotal scene– a restaurant critic is taken aback by an unsophisticated meal that is considered peasant food. The scene echoed, albeit in a comedic fashion, an incident in the book Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust. Inspiration from Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Windows can also be seen in two different Pixar movies. First one is Toy Story 2, where a character uses the camera flash for a weapon, and second is Ratatouille where  in the apartment vignettes witnessed by the star of Ratatouille.

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