Tuesday 29 November 2011

Pixar's influences

Lasseter believed that it is conventional to examine other artists’ work to find inspiration in them. This belief was present in the Pixar culture, and seeped into the films they created. The team behind “Toy Story”, for example, was influenced by previous creations; American movies that dealt with friendship, such as “Raggedy Ann and Andy” (1977).
 We have the movie Ratatouille, were –in a pivotal scene– a restaurant critic is taken aback by an unsophisticated meal that is considered peasant food. The scene echoed, albeit in a comedic fashion, an incident in the book Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust. Inspiration from Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Windows can also be seen in two different Pixar movies. First one is Toy Story 2, where a character uses the camera flash for a weapon, and second is Ratatouille where  in the apartment vignettes witnessed by the star of Ratatouille.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Ryan, the film

While reading the "Cyberarts 2004" book, I was inspired by Ryan Larkin's approach. Larkin was a  brilliant Canadian animator in the 1960s. Even though he was  addicted to drugs and alcohol and was mostly homeless, he was known for his unique ways of thinking and imagining,. In one of his interviews, he quotes Anais Nin :"We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are".

His third short animated film "Walking" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xK0wua5XVM&feature=player_embedded#!)  attracted the audience and was nominated for Academy awards.  

One how-to book on animation, Timing for Animation, goes on to say how Larkin’s female nude in "Walking" “makes good use of perspective animation through the exaggeration of the character’s arm nearest to the camera”. 

Chris Landreth (an animator who was Larkin's friend) made an Oscar winning 14 minutes animated documentary "Ryan" about his friend. I was personally impressed by the evident creativity that involved in Chris' documentary. His work is very unique and visually very interesting. I think that "Ryan" is not just a 3D-animated documentary, it's a piece of art, and its medium is computer animation. 

Ryan, the film:

Friday 25 November 2011

"Describe your discipline" - Media Discources

On 2 sheets of A3 paper you are asked to ‘map’ the territory of your particular practice discipline – its distinctive nature, its concerns, its practices, its limits, its relationship(s) with other neighboring or more distant disciplines.

19th of October, 2011
Sabine T.

Thursday 24 November 2011

My field of study: Animation

Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry, Donald Duck, Peter Pan, and Pinocchio were all parts of my illusive world when I was a child. All these cartoon characters are the creation of the wonderful art of animation that captivates our minds and makes our childhood days full of imagination and fun. Animation represents the world that exists outside our regular lives. Not only is it a source of entertainment, but it has the power to influence. While I admired and respected the art, it was not until I read about Walt Disney’s history that I realized how much of a profound effect the Disney series made on popular culture.

I always thought that the greatest artists were animators, because they could influence the whole of society, from its youngest to its oldest members. Personally, animation was my anchor as I was growing up. In many ways, it instilled in me certain principles to live by. There was always a sense of courtesy, civility, and fair play as the fundamental message of many animated series.

Thus, I finished high school and decided to major in Computer Graphics & Animation. The reason I chose this major was my love for art, and my belief in the power of the image. I want to influence my Lebanese society; I want to make it think, and reason, through image. Animation can be one of the most significant and enjoyable activities for the society. It is an interesting combination of Science, Art, and Spirituality. For example, in order to make a simple walk cycle for a character, not only does the animator have to know the principles of animation and the use of computer software, but he/she should also use their knowledge about the body’s anatomy and the laws of physics in order to make a realistic movements. The power of a good animation should not be underestimated.
I am intrigued and mesmerized by the field and know of my creativity and capabilities which I can offer in  the world of animation. 

I aim to create a new world of communication based on imaging that will reach an audience, convey morals and values, and hopefully make a difference.

Sabine T.