Sunday 10 June 2012

The Story

My short film is about a father and his little girl. It emphasises on feelings and memory, since the father will be remembering his little daughter, who is apparently not there anymore… the idea of the story has been shaped throughout my MA year, mainly inspired by three small weekly projects we were assigned: Nostalgia, Memory, Non-linear time and space.

The first scene will start in the little girl's room, a slow camera walk through will show the girl's bed, toys and drawings, then the toy piano that her father picks up and stares at it then closes his eyes.

The transition from this scene to the second one is audible, when the father closes his eyes, piano music would start and the father will start imagining/remembering his daughter playing the piano happily. Then scenes of them playing the piano together.
I will be adding depth of field and maybe a bit of vignette to the camera, to emphasise on the feeling of memory.. the transition between this scene and the next one is visual, third scene would be the girl drawing and father reading.
The last shot is back to the piano, where we see the father sitting alone, missing his little one.

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