Friday 15 June 2012

Notes on my sign-off tutorial

Today I had a sign-off tutorial with Martin. Feedback was good but he proposed I add more detail to my planning folder.
- My documentation proposal is very clear and covers all areas.

- Statements of deliverables should be more detailed, specify the resolution and the frame rate.
Final outcome: ~1.5 minute animation on a DVD, HD720 quality (1280x720) 16:9, 24fps.

- My learning outcomes matrix is clear but I should be clearer about who is my audience and how will I deliver and compress my film.

Animation: Autodesk Maya
Texturing: Photoshop
Post-Production: Adobe After Effects
Editing: Adobe Premiere
Soundtrack recording: Yamaha Clavinova CVP501 workstation/Adobe Audition
Sound Editing: Adobe Audition

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