Thursday 5 January 2012

Studying balance and action

The head is shaped first, the line of action is coming from the top of the head, going down to the right leg's toes. the secondary line of action, the flow line, is marked from the top all the way down to the other arm behind her.
The secondary flow line starts from her back and comes down to the other leg, as she's leaning forward to catch her weight.
The way to find the center of balance is to draw a straight vertical line that starts in the middle of the neck all the way down to her legs.

Balance and movement go hand-in-hand: the body is constantly adjusting in order to maintain balance and if we are moving forward our weight will be shifted forward. This is the reason why while drawing we need to keep in mind the concepts of balance and action in order to make more realistic sketches.

Reference: Digital Tutors

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